10 Funny Costume Ideas For Halloween 2009

If your budget's tight or you're plainly seeing for something dissimilar to do for Halloween this year, here's a list of 10 funny costume ideas you can make at home in minutes for very little cost. Each one is a play on words, and they're sure to earn you some grins or groans at the office Halloween party.

1) Freudian Slip - Wear a slip with a sign on it that says "Freud."

Halloween Costumes

2) Tic Tac Toe - Glue a package of Tic Tacs to the toe of your shoe.

10 Funny Costume Ideas For Halloween 2009

3) Devil's Advocate - Carry a sign that says, "Vote for the Devil."

4) Blessing in Disguise - Put on a pair of dark sunglasses and a dark hat and wear a sash that says, "Bless You."

5) Cereal Killer - Dress in black and glue mini cereal boxes to your shirt. Stick plastic knives into the boxes and add some ketchup for "blood."

6) Quarter Pounder - Carry around some quarters and a hammer. When person asks you what you are, pound a quarter.

7) Cd Burner - Wear a blank Cd around a neck and carry a pack of matches or a lighter.

8) God's Gift to Women - Gift wrap a large box and cut holes in the top and sides for your head and arms. Add a gift tag that says "To: Women" and "From: God."

9) Dr. Pepper - Wear curative scrubs and attach peppers to your shirt.

10) Identity emergency - Wear any color shirt and stick name tags with dissimilar names all over it.

10 Funny Costume Ideas For Halloween 2009


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